quarta-feira, 23 de Junho, 23h30
// Por detrás do nome The Great Park esconde-se Stephen Burch, cantautor folk britânico que agora se estreia em Lisboa. Fica prometido um concerto de dramatismo intimista com cheiro a ruralidade assombrada.
Stephen Burch was born in the south of England, but spent most of his early life traveling around before his family settled in rural Ireland. On their farm is an old abandoned cottage, nearly collapsed but with one room dry and warm enough to make music in. A vintage acoustic guitar and the family's upright piano, brooms, pots and metal chains. Images of fields, of farm houses, animals, pursuit and escape - characters appear and reappear in different places - dense journey songs - the unifying theme is that of grave drama and possibility within 'The Great Park'. In 2009 The Great Park played over 150 concerts in Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy and England. Nine albums are available on Woodland Recordings - and a 10th is due this year.
"Intimate morose folk songs, rooted in a strange personal world of fields and birds and love and persecution." (Southcoasting blog')
"...this is a journey, a misadventurer's odyssey; it's vivid, it's elemental and the wounds are exposed. The road is pitted and merciless, stark and unyielding. The engrossing imagery will draw you in and repeated listening reveals new musical and lyrical nuances." (Nigel Johnson)
Quarta-feira, 23 de Junho: The Great Park [ao vivo, 23h30] + Mário Valente [dj set]
junho 23, 2010
Publicada por Bar Lounge à(s) 15:34
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